<body> ::::: Adeline + CE = ❤..FOREVER..❤(: ::::
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❤ Adeline Wee ❤
Attached To ❤ ChinEk ❤ Currently(:
❤sweet18 soon❤
HuaMin Primary School

NorthBrooks Secondary School

add me in msn @
add me at


Nintendo DS
own room makeover(: if can ii wan mak my rm into everything hello kitty (:
New Handphone...
PSP..still in consideration XD..
Achieve GOOD result for N level(:
wanna stay long long wif CE dear❤..(:
hav a laptop of my own xD


1yr soon...(:



Tag Box(:

  • January 2008
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  • Wednesday, April 15, 2009

    harlo all~
    hoho...im back to blog..lol
    hmm...ii hav a job le...
    a part tym for tym being at isetan at tues,wed,fri n sat...
    nt bad bahh..lol
    btw...tok about 2day bahh...

    wake up quite late at 11am++...
    cus parents off mahh...
    den msg my dear lor...
    den went out to 900+ makam wif my parents lor...
    den aft makam went walk walk...
    den aft dat went time zone..play abit...
    den aft dat my dad say dat e prize at SweetLand(tak sweets de) nt bad very nice..
    den we play lor...den ii start 1st...LOL lor 1st scoop nth de..LOL
    den my dad say " ii tot uue very pro de...kns say mus look for hump de..den ine end 1st scoop nth de ..."
    ii was lyk =.= ok lor...
    den he tak over nn play...wa mre pro den me sia...lol
    scoop abit by abit...aft about roughly la..7$+ den kena 1st lv lor..den abit of sweets come dwn nia... = =
    den aft afew mre tym...kena chance at e machine...den WA alot of sweet HO SEI LOL...all come dwn...

    den slowly aft...my dad say play until soo far liao...cant stop ma...mus continue..ii say ok lor..since dey payin each 10$ LOL...den we continue scoop candy...
    den aft the Chance at e machine...very very heng...e sweet drop e checker..
    den heng heng kena JP...ho sei...hohoho...kena e micky mouse very cute de...
    when it kena JP...e mickey mouse drop inside e hole..my mum is e 1st hu put her hand into e hole dere to get dat mickey n run LOL...haha...me n my dad at dere laughin...tak liao mickkey n zhao...
    (pics shown below)

    we spent about 30$ kena liao...heng hor?haha...
    nn we gt alot of sweets oso..den end of e game my dad gimme 20$ to top up back to e gold card...
    haha...when dear saw tis rite...dun say ii waste money...haha
    cus my dad n mum gt pay money de...haha XD...

    ii was very happii...dat 1st tym play sweetland kena dat mickey...hehe...
    den aft dat went hm sweet hm....went hm play mahjong liao...haha...hehe...
    ii write until here..cus my parents all dress finish wan go dinner liao LOL
    soo gtg liao..cya~

    PS: luv uue my dear mauckz...(:

    7:32 PM
    My love for uue will never change..... ;

    Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    ytd mak deardear angry...im sry k dear...):
    ii will find a job de...dun worry about me k?
    ii wan fast fast settle dwn wif uue oso...
    ii realii want to...ii hav been waitin for it to happen...
    soo ii promise uue ii will find a job to work k?

    2day msg my dear...he still abit angry wif me...cus ytd we quarrel le...):
    he say he wan me find a stable job soo dat we can settle dwn le...
    ii wanted to find a job oso...
    is jus dat during e mth jan to march...ii realii do nth about it...
    is my fault..ii understand..im sry...
    ii always hope dat isetan will call me to go work...
    bt, ii waited too long...my dad oso wan me call dem to push dem...
    bt ii say dun wan push...let dem call..
    nn ii waited...
    nn ii hav wasted 3 whole mths jobless...):
    my bad...im sry...):

    2day afternoon went to my bro sch...cus went back to dat soo call-ed "Hell Provision Shop" to get my pay...
    ii went dere..n e couple say hi to me...ii was lyk...lol...
    infront of me smile smile laugh laugh...behind me say tis say dat =.=
    ii hate lor...
    nvm...den aft gettin my pay...e female boss ask me ii go cut hair ah...
    ii was lyk =.=... my hair lyk it has been cut meh o.o"""
    her eyes sure kena shiit...lol
    ii tink she findin topic to start tokin to me bahh...
    well...ii dun realii giv a damm about it...2day will be my last day seeing dem...
    ii dun wan to cc dem again...hate dem...lol

    den aft taken e money ii went to my bro sch dere feed mosquito -.-
    sit dere havent 10mins..my leg all kena liao...
    bt funny is my ah ma nv kena bite lei..
    smore ii kena bite...bo feeling de -.-''' dat's e point lor -.-
    lol..den aft dat went 200+ bank in my money...den went to e supermarket cc e tinks dere realii cheap mah..
    den ii went dere ii saw e strawberry frm korea de...damm cheap worh..
    1 box 2$ nia...soo ii bought 2 box...quite sweet..cus ii eaten b4..
    den ii bought some seaweeds,biscult nn cuttlefish LOL
    hahah...all my favourite...actualii wan buy chcocolate oso...lol
    ii've been eating chocolate for e past 3 days non stop..so ii stop myself for eatin too much...
    scare ltr ii ho sei.. -.-

    den aft dat went makam "fu jian mian"...
    e mee so-so oli...hmm...hence ii was allergic to shell de seafood..
    hmm...dat's 1 tym ii went eatin at "zhu chao shop" near my hse...
    went to eat crab nia..congratz to me...ii came hm aft awhile my whole body ho sei..all rashes came up =.=
    ii was scratching lyk "siao zha bo"...LOL cus is realii very irritatin -.-
    den aft dat day on...ii dun dare to eat any of dem such as prawns..crabs...nn even rojak -.-
    OMG LOR!! I CANT EAT ROJAK OSO!!! T.T..sadd-ed...
    ii eaten 1 tym oso..oso end up hohoho-ing...=.= scratchin lyk siao lor..
    den 2day....ii try 1 prawn..lol...so far so gd..nth happen...
    jus abit funny nia...ii tink is comin lor ...-.- lol
    bt ii hope it wont come lor...hahah..lol..

    ii realii hope ii will find a job soon bahh...
    soo dat ii can hav income for my own nn future use bahh...
    soo dat my dear wont scold me for it...
    ii wan prove to him dat ii can find a job myself....(:

    ii hope uue can feel better k?
    sry for makin uue slp for less den 8hrs...):

    3:49 PM
    My love for uue will never change..... ;

    Monday, March 30, 2009

    yay...lolz..trying to mak me get use of writin blog everyday... =.=
    bt lazy lei.. LOL...somemore my com abit short circult de...
    haiis...e day b4...ii on my com for about 6-7 hrs nia..
    den hor...chat halfway wif my fren at msn..
    den...=.= happii new yr..my com auto gone off...bt cpu still runnin =.=

    den hor...ii switch off my cpu lor...awhile ltr ii switch on again...
    den sth funny happen...e cpu " beep..beep..beep..beep.. ... ... " non-stop..
    damm irritatin soo ii off lor..den ii awhile ltr on again...same problem...den ii off again...
    den den den....awhile ltr ii on again...ok le worh ._. LOL

    my dar n my fren told me mayb my RAM loose or wat...
    den ii was lyk huh ._.
    cus 1st tym encounter tis kind of problem dat ii nv encounter b4...
    den nw lyk ok lor...cc hw long my com can da han lor...LOL
    bt hopefully it wont happen agains oo fast lor ._.
    blah blah blah...

    2day weather oso nt dat gd...dark dark de...
    more worst was ytd...
    ii was at my dear hse wich is at bukit panjang...den e sky startin to get very nice...lol dark lor..
    den awhile ltr when ii was at his hse...hoho...startin drizzling(correct spellin hor?)...
    frm small to enormous...lol
    lucky he gt drive car...if nt hohoho liao lor LOL...
    confirm will bcum "water soup chicken"..LOL!

    ytd e rain was realii super big...nn thunder can bb seen clearly infront of me...=.=...scary lor~ lol
    den on e road...e road cant even cc e car lor..oli can c e light behind of e car nia....
    bt e point is...when in e mrng...sun is shining brightly..
    den afternoon suddenly black black de sky...
    nwadays e weather lyk sot sot de...
    den awhile ltr...rain bcumin big big...

    bt nw im at hm...dun care e rain big...can mak me coolin can liao...
    hmmm....kinda boring nehh...
    haiis...realii miss my dear nw...
    he is busy on weekdays nn saturdays too...he is oli free on certain sunday...
    cus some sundays he gt show goin on...soo no tym for me...
    bt is ok for me...ii can do some hsework to let me get tym faster...or mayb on com n chat wif my fren lor...
    haha...ok luhhz...nth to say le...ii wanna get on to my pangya...hohoho...

    soo ii end of here...(:
    tml ii'll write again lor ._. lol
    if im nt lazy ._. haha...

    3:45 PM
    My love for uue will never change..... ;

    Friday, March 27, 2009

    long tym no blogging le..
    nw is e 1st tym of e yr dat iim starting bloggin..lol
    okok...come str8 to e point..ii was introduce to tis such shop somewher near my hse area...
    is a provision shop dat sell cheap stuff(dun wan to mention shop name)..

    ok..ii was workin dere for ONLY 4days...den e boss dun wan me...
    ii hav done nth wrng...
    ii do wateva she said to me...tell me do tis do dat...ii do for dem..
    bt wat ii get in end...
    their expectation was damm high...
    nvm..ii will write FULL detail on wat she said nn do...
    and e point is...e part tym she offering me is 1 hr $5...nn she wants me to do lyk 1hr $10 de job...get wat ii mean rite?
    nvm...let's start on wat she said in e interview.......n trust me..is totally different on wat she said in e interview..
    den ur guys gimme comment about tis tink...

    During the interview....

    she told me this during e interview...
    she said this, 1st tink about e job...is quite relax, jus nid to look aft her shop when she is nt around, dunnid to push sales or ask ppl to buy their productand she said dat dun hav commssion de...dunnid to push sales..
    and to help her look aft her shop when she is eating or wateva stuff she is doing...and soo on
    bt most importantly, she told me she very particular about cleanliness..

    she said afew tym dat e job dat im gonna do is quite relax de...
    on wat ii mention on top...
    bt, wateva she said during e interview is totally different....
    let's come to e actual day im workin...
    (i wil indicate every single details on wat she said...)

    1st day im work...

    when ii step into e shop, ii was told to work frm 9am to 9pm at nitez..cus im new mah...
    den she tell me put e items up on e shelf...den she start to teach me do cashier...
    for tym being nth big goin on...
    den, she told me when doing cashier in their shop...
    most import is dat:
    Firstly: mus say "harlo,gdmrng...so on.." to every single customer..
    Secondly: mus be LOUD and CLEAR.
    Thirdly:when doin cashier..when ppl hand uue e amout dey gave me, mus bb place on e specify tray..cant grab on to it on hand..and mus say, Example: "ok, $50 frm uue sir/mdm, thank you...$20.30 cents chng thank you...and mus SMILE(mus count everything infront of customer, Example "1,2,3..$30.20cents chng, thank you..." liddat lor...)
    den, e boss said : uue still nt loud enough,(bt e point is...e customer ii serve jus nw...can hear me wat)mus raise ur voice abit mre, so dat ii can hear uue, mus be LOUD and CLEAR, and mus smile to e customer when handling e change or recieve money frm customer. den e money e customer giv, mus be place on e tray."

    and e boss told me alot of tinks..
    he said if ii nv do e same tinks like dey r doing,
    ppl might nt come to e shop again to buy tinks frm dey,
    he said tis is e neighbourhood, their customer oli hav tis certain number,
    is different frm shoppin centre..
    e ppl buyin tinks frm their shop, will b e same ppl dat will come back to buy,
    it will b e same person dat purchase frm stuff frm their shop,
    it wont chng, if customer stop buyin, their business will bb affected,
    he said to me dat if ii nv do jus lyk dem, customer wont return to buy tinks frm dem,
    even though their tinks r much cheaper den other shop.
    he oso said tis to me, if no mre ppl comin back to buy our tinks due to poor service,
    it will be my fault.

    and so, ii do wateva he said, bt times ii still forget to do e put money on tray tink...cus' ii being workin in isetan for 1mths+,everything is totally different frm isetan, money is place at hand de, den aft dat giv chng to customer, dunnid to count again to e customer de.

    their expectation damm high, ii oli work dere lyk 1hr nia, and dey expect me to fast fast get hold of it.

    aft dat, aft e boss go off liao,
    den e boss wife will guide me, den she told me dat ii nid to koe abit of knowledge on beauty products
    den she start to teach me e basic of beauty products on other brands,
    on e 1st day of work nia, she expect me to rmb tis rmb dat,(wher gt 1st day,learn soo much tinks de?)

    den she start to explain explain explain, until ii became very confused,
    den she show me hw to combine e face powder to another powder,
    den she start to lyk in her own world,(get wat ii mean?)
    den she start to explain, add tis loose powder to tis powder to mak ur face de powder mre lasting,
    den she kip explainin, she told me ii mus koe e basic of e product she sellin, so dat customer come, can explain to dem.

    e point is, she NEVER mention dat ii nid to hav abit beauty knowledge!!
    during my interview, all she said is, very relax, very relax, she told me dat ii oli nid to help her look aft e shop, and she told me dat e beauty products, she will do e sales, most of e tym ii wont be involved de,
    tis is wat she said to me,
    den she say ii dunnid to explain to customer about e products, she say if gt customer askin about e product,
    she tols me to jus ask her to explain to customer,
    den for wat ii hav to koe e products basic,
    when ii dun even nid to approach e customer dat nid help for e beauty stuff?

    den aft dat she tell me to do cleanin for her items,
    she wants me to tak all e tinks frm e shelf dwn to a basket to do e cleanin,
    n mus wipe e goods wif cloth n oso nid to wipe e glass de shelf,
    ii do wateva she said to me.

    den she told me she hates dirt,
    she say if customer touch her product n hav dirt on it,
    customer wont buy her tinks,
    she told me their shop hav a better service den other provision shop,
    she say their shop nt lyk other provision shop dat hav jialat attitude,
    she say other provision shop very jialat, wont greet customers, always giv a gloomy face,
    nn products dirty,
    she say she cant stand it.

    soo ii clean her stuff for mre den an hr, ii clean until my back aching,
    even gt a small chair for me to sit,
    is still very uncomfortable,
    ii can feel my back breakin,

    when im wipin, ii nid to bend dwn my back 45 degree for mre den 10mins,
    imagine my back bendin on a certain angle for mre den 10mins.

    she told me to clean her products on her shop,
    her tinks gt soo many, den smore soo many dust,
    she say she hates dust, bt e look on her products,
    soo many dust,lyk 1-2 days nv wipe de.

    den ii use a brush nn sweep e dust, all e dust wil start flyin all over,
    is quite irritatin nn ii can feel e dust flyin around me,
    nn mak me wanna sneeze,
    very irritatin lor.

    den she told me to bring a notebook e nxt day to write dwn notes,
    den e boss came back to c hw ii perform aft e whole day,
    ii hav done my best le,
    den e boss still say my voice still nt up to his expectation,
    nn he want me to work on it,
    he say can be much mre better,
    n he want me to during e weekend to work on it,
    he tell me to look at e mirror to practice on my smile n my eye contact,
    n he say he wan to cc improvement on tuesday.

    2nd day of work...

    when ii reach, e female boss tell me to tak out my notebook to write dwn tinks,
    den she start to tell me about e price of e beauty product,
    it was lyk soo many,n she say she wants me rmb by hard, n she told me dat she will test me again e nxt day,
    e price list hor, it fills about 3pages on my notebook, and btw my notebook nt so small hor, middle size de
    and she oso tell me to rmb e code of their products,
    and total pages for whole tinks on codes + price list = 5pages...
    e point is, IS ALOT! somemore ah,e items hor
    guess hw many, mre den 20 of dem lei,
    and is very complicated, nid to rmb it correctly,
    and oso hor, dey rr having promotion lei,
    ii nid to memorise e b4 discount price nn aft discount price,
    nn she oso tell me e price of e perfume, 8mre items liao,
    and she told me dat she will test me on e prices and codes e nxt day!!
    ii hav power mind is it? tell me to rmb every single tinks -.-

    den aft dat e female boss wan to do cleanin on her product,
    so ii listen to her nn ii go do.

    for e test for e price,
    ii was oli given nt even 1 full day to memorise,
    uue c lor,
    ii off work at 6pm,
    den ii was al soo tired liao, my whole body all aching liao.
    den still nid to rmb tis rmb dat,
    ur c lor, does tis look lyk a 1hr $5 job? gimme ur comment on tis lor....
    mre lyk a 1hr $30$ job..
    somemore iim only a part timer.

    den gt customer went in,ii say harlo to e customer,den e customer oso say back harlo,
    den e customer want to mak payment,
    ii do every step dat my boss told me to,
    "harlo, total is $... ..., ok 50$ frm uue, thank you, $... ... chng, thank you"
    e customer oso say ty to me,

    den guess wat,
    my boss de feedback to me is dat my voice still nt loud,she say ii nv eye contact wif e customer,
    bt e truth is, ii gt wat, ii done everything she told me to.
    e customer oso smile back nn say ty to me wat,
    wtf e boss is tokin..
    she say she cant hear me clearly, her ear gt prob is it?

    she tell me to shout -.-,
    bt e tink is, if ii shout, it will be mre lyk shoutin to customer liao...
    ltr customer sure become angry de,m ii rite to say tis??
    nvm about tis, proceed to 3rd day.

    3rd day of work...

    when ii arrived at e work place,
    e male boss asked me tis question "u hav 0 interest on beauty product rite?"
    den ii answer back "ya."
    cus ii realii gt no interest wat, if ii say yes,
    den his wife will teach me mre tinks, den cant rmb den die liao,
    soo best is tell him e truth.

    den e female boss ask me to clean clean clean,
    clean tis clean dat,
    den aft dat, she test me about e price, ii realii cant rmb soo much,
    den her face was lyk buay song + buay da han liao,
    den she test me on code of e product,
    ii told her ii oli rmb 3 of it,
    den she start to ask me on other code, ii say ii nv learn soo much,den she say nt enough de, mus learn 5 of dem
    ii cant absorb soo much de mah, mre funny is dat im dere for 3days nia lei, hw can soo fast rmb all de...

    den aft dat she tell me go clean lor, clean clean clean,
    den she ask me to stop wateva im doin n listen to wat she is sayin,
    she tell me to write dwn e price of e hair dye,
    dere rr about 7-8 of dem,soo many rite?
    den hor, she say e price ii write dwn,
    den to my surprise, she start to test me on e spot rite aft she say finish all e price,
    uue tink can on e spot rmb all mah? no rite?

    den lunch le..
    n ii was told to come back to e shop at 1.40pm,
    so ii went back hm to eat, eat finish liao,
    den ii went to put my plate, den ii accidently drop e bottle of water on e table when ii was takin a tissue,
    so ii went to clean up e mess,
    aft clean up, my watch show 1.40pm liao,
    soo ii quickly shut everything n went dwn to work,
    n ii was 5mins late,
    den e female boss tell me im late 5mins,
    ii apologise to her nn explain to her of wat had happen,
    to my surprise, she said to me this : " i dun care wat tinks uue drop, or wateva tinks, uue late means uue rr late"
    den she add in : " btw im ur boss, we r nt fren fren, im nt ur fren, im ur boss, ii say wat tym uue mus be back, uue mus be back."

    wat kind of attitude is tis?
    ii apologise liao,
    den she gif me tis kind of fkin attitude back to me.
    so ii jus say ok, nn go back on wat im doing,

    den ii was abit hungry,
    den ii told my boss ii wan to get sth to bite,
    she say can can,ok de, den ii go off le,
    aft dat ii camt back wif a bag full of chocolate,
    ii wanna put on e shelf inside de,
    ii saw her sittin dere, ii dun wan to disturb her, scare ltr she angry or wat tink,
    so ii jus tie nn put my bag dere,

    den aft awhile ltr,
    she ask me hw come dun wan to ask her to put e bag inside at e shelf,
    ii tok to her nicely " ii saw uue sittin dere majus nw,ii dun wan to disturb uue.."
    den she say oh i c,

    den she ask me question again,
    nn ii oli rmb 1 nia, den her face was lyk black black liao lor...
    lyk ii step on her or wat,
    aft dat, she stop askin me liao -.-, n ii went back to e cleanin,
    den suddenly, she tell me to stop wateva im doin, n she pass me a silky girl book, all about makeup, n other tinks.
    ii was lyk =.=.. and she ask me anytink about makeup de tinks ii dunno,
    can ask e girl hu work dere for 5mths+ de,
    ii say orhx,

    den tym for me to off work,
    strangely, she nv gimme any briefing,
    e male boss told me dat dey will brief me on hw ii perform of e day,
    bt dat day, no briefin...very strange...

    4th day of work...(lastday)

    as usual lor, e 2 boss at dere lor,
    so ii help to put e products on to e shelf,
    den ii saw a box on e floor,
    ii thought dunnid to put up on e shelf,
    cus dere rr some product havent put on price tag de,
    so ii jus stand dere nn waitin my female boss to instruct me to do tinks,
    den aft dat, e male boss approach me nn ask me hw come ii didnt put e products dat is on e box onto e shelf..
    ii reply him " b'cus some of e product dun hav price tag on it, ii thought dunnid to put on shelf..."
    den he tell me wateva product wif price tags on, r to b place on e shelf, so ii put lor.

    den aft awhile, e male boss went off,
    nn ii doin e cleanin, den suddenly, e female boss ask me to stop wateva ii doing,
    and ask me question, she ask me last tym im in sch,
    ii gt tok back to teacher, when e teacher was scoldin me, ii say no.
    den she went into topic,
    den she told me ii was rude to her on dat day, about e bag of chocolate,
    bt e point is, ii said to her nicely neh, ii nv rude to her mah, ii say very nicely lei : " uue were sitting dere jus nw, ii dun want to disturb uue, so ii jus left e bag dere"
    does tis sentence sound lyk im rude or givin attitude?

    ii dun gif attitude to ppl de, ii nicely say back de,
    den aft dat, she told me dat tis mrng ii tok back n givin attitude to e male boss,
    ii say, ii dun hav ah, ii nv tok back or gif attitude ah,
    den aft dat she start to tell me dat even she in bad mood, she wont show her bloody gloomy face to customer,
    she say she wont show e face, bt she bad temper infront of me when she was lyk buay song wif sth dat ii dunno,
    den she slam tinks on e table, den givin a face dat someone owe her money liddat,

    wher gt boss show attitude infront of me,
    oso gt 1 tym when my mum went into her shop,
    den my mum saw she shoutin to e supplier,
    den she went in nn show attitude to my mum,
    givin a buay song face.

    she still say she smile infront of customer even though she angry or wat,
    all jus a lie la.

    den aft dat, at 1pm, e female boss ask me go eat, den ii went to eat lor
    den eating halfway,
    she send me a SMS, it stated " Adeline, forget to tell u dat u workin halfday 2day, u can go back aft ur lunch, c uue tml, thanks"

    den ii ask her y halfday, den she told me " boss said so. "

    den ltr in e evening, she called my mum at 1st, den she called me,
    she said dat she cant accept me anymre, cus ii nt suitable for tis job, den blah blah blah, wtf is tis sia, 4 days oli she want perfect frm me, their expectation soo high, n yet dey wan me to achieve it within days.
    possible mah? ii do wateva dey said, yet dey say still nt gd enough, dey wan ppl wif perfection is it, everything swee swee ah, 4 days oli dey say im nt suit for tis job, sai lor.

    interview time this story, workin time another story,
    totally different story lor, say relax relax, in e end oso do until wan die, den end up tis kind of tinks happen.

    ur guys gimme comment about tis whole tink
    ...ii wanna koe, did ii do sth wrng? ii al do wat she said, nn other tinks.

    3:53 PM
    My love for uue will never change..... ;

    Tuesday, March 25, 2008

    lng tym didnt write blog le...
    2dae writing again....

    same as usual....
    woke up at 7am exactly....-.-
    still slpy....
    cus yesterdae slept at 12am+....
    cus bz putting in my hp strap...
    do until wanna vomit blood....lolz~

    stupid hp e hole soo small...
    feel lyk extend it....lolz~
    bt cant wat....
    it took me 20mins to put e stupid hp strap into e bloody hole.....

    skip skip skip...
    come back to 2dae tinks....

    den went to brush teeth,go toilet...lolz~
    den prepare to go skool....
    2dae is e soo called "earliest to reach sch"....
    btw...reach sch hall at around 7.20am....-.-

    skip skip skip.....
    1st lesson was english...
    veri siianx...
    lucky gt ghost stories bk to keep me
    slacking all e way....
    (e word duno correct ant)
    swt....english abit jia lat liao...=.=

    skip skip skip....
    comin to 2nd lesson of e dae....
    cooking 2dae....
    2dae makin "swiss roll"....
    den after finishin it...ii hav took a pic of it...lolz~
    tis is e pic ii took after ii finish it....

    hw is it....?
    looks funny hor....
    cus ii nn heather mak de...all different timing put in...
    den at e same tym took out...
    ii n heather mak 3 roll mah....
    she put in 1 of it into e oven 1st...

    den....after 5mins...
    put in e other 1...
    another few mins ltr..
    put another one in....

    all different timing de...=.=
    nn it turn out...
    1 is hard(nt tht hard nah...lyk abit crispy de...)
    den another 1 looks ok,bt its nt ok....lolz~
    den another 1 turn out jus ritezZ...

    den we roll roll roll e roll...LOLZ~~~
    den 1 hard hard de lyk crack....
    eventualii...it crack....=.=
    ii oso duno wat ii tokin...lolz~
    den e looks normal bt nt normal one...
    oso abit crack....
    den e looks jus rite one....
    oso abit crack...=.=

    den roll liao...
    jiu eat lo....
    bt quite nice though...
    lolz lo...
    forget bring container....=.=
    den ask cher gt container or plastic bag...
    cher say no...=.=
    den ask ii my fren to "long pang" e food..
    into his container de lo...
    he jing ran tell me his container is full...-.-'''
    bt ii cc...no full leh....
    ah bo can bring hm giv my parents eat lo....=.=

    skippy skip skip.....lolz~
    2dae end at 3pm....
    feel lyk dying de tuesdae....
    =.=....stupid new tym table...
    tuesdaes de ending tym is 3pm....wth~=.=
    siianx siianx....
    tml mre worst...
    end sch at 1.25pm....
    smre gt e stupid CPA extra lesson frm2-4pm....=.=

    2dae came hm at 3pm+...
    soo tired....
    a stupid oversea call called my hp....
    china one...
    a china gal ask me about hotel....=.=
    dun even koe wat she tokin...
    den ii anyhw ans lo....
    ask me wat hotel ii been to~
    lolz....wat ques lai de.....O.o
    lolz~ask me tis kind of no sense ques....O.o

    okok....write until here bah....
    gtg play pangya le....
    pangya freak rite....=x

    if ii gt tym ii'll write again.....
    tht's all for 2dae....

    LoOveE uue 4Evaa....
    frm deep inside my heart....=p

    3:32 PM
    My love for uue will never change..... ;